REFRACTORLAND "Hypertextual Moon Atlas" based on A. Rükl "Atlas of the Moon" |
The northwest part of Mare Imbrium with the beautiful Sinus Iridum, and the Jura mountain range, which forms its edge. Sinus Iridium is crossed by mare ridges. Luna 17, which landed to the south of Cape Heraclides, transported an automatic mobile laboratory, Lunokhod 1, to the Moon.
North |

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Age of Moon: d. 9
Section 10
- C. Herschel -
13,4 km - h. 1850 m
- Carlini - 11,4 km
- h. 2200 m
- Heim, Dorsum -
length 130 km
- Heis - 14 km - h.
1910 m
- Heis A - 6,1 km -
h. 650 m
- Helicon - 25 km -
h.1910 m
- Helicon E - 2,4 km
- h.470 m
- Heraclides, Promontorium - h.
1700 m
- Imbrium, Mare - Sea of Rains -
area 830.000 sq km
- Iridum, Sinus - Bay of Rainbows -
260 km
- Jura, Montes - h.
6000 m
- Laplace, Promontorium - h.
2600 m
- McDonald - 8 km -
h.1470 m
- Sharp - 40 km -
h.3200 m
- Zirkel, Dorsum -
length 210 km
