REFRACTORLAND "Hypertextual Moon Atlas" based on A. Rükl "Atlas of the Moon" |
The eastern edge of Mare Imbrium is one of the most interesting parts of the lunar surface. The lunar Alps with their well-known valley, the solitary mountain Piton, and the group of three craters Archimedes, Autolycus, and Aristillus are magnificent objects for telescopic observation. Luna 2 crash-landed close to the crater Autolycus.
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Age of Moon: d. 7
Section 12
- Alpes, montes: Mons Blanc - height
3.600 m, base dia. 25 km
- Alpes, Montes: Promontorium
- Alpes, Montes: Promontorium Deville
- Aristillus - 55 km
h. 3650 m
- Autolycus - 39 km
h. 3430 m
- Cassini - 57 km -
h.1240 m
- Cassini A - 17 km
- h. 2830 m
- Kirch - 11,7 km -
h.1830 m
- Lunicus, Sinus
- Piazzi Smyth -
12,8 km - h. 2530 m
- Piton, Mons - height 2.250 m, base
dia. 25 km
- Spitzbergen, Montes - height 1.500
m, length 60 km
- Theaetetus - 25 km
- h. 2830 m
- Theaetetus, Rimae -
length 50 km
