REFRACTORLAND "Hypertextual Moon Atlas" based on A. Rükl "Atlas of the Moon" |
The central part of Mare Tranquilitatis. The most interesting area is in the neighborhood of the crater Cauchy, where, under low illumination, a modest telescope will show rilles, a striking fault Rupes Cauchy and the typical domes Omega Cauchy and Tau Cauchy. On the summit of Omega Cauchy is a small crater that is visible with a large telescope. A narrow rille is present to the west of the crater Maskelyne (lower left-hand edge of the map).
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Age of Moon: d. 5
Section 36
- Aryabhata - 22 km
- Barlow, Dorsa -
length 120 km
- Cajal - 9 km - h.
1800 m
- Cauchy - 12,4 km -
h. 2600 m
- Cauchy, Rima - length 210 km
- Cauchy, Rupes - length 120
- Esam, Mons - 8 km
- Jansen - 23 km - h
620 m
- Jansen Y - 3,6 km
- h . 690 m
- Jansen, Rima - length 35 km
- Lucian - 7 km - h.
1490 m
- Lyell - 32 km
- Maskelyne - 24 km
- h. 2500 m
- Maschelyne B -
9,2 km - h . 1910 m
- Menzel - 3 km
- Sinas - 12,4 km -
h. 2300 m
- Sinas A - 5,8 km -
h. 1140 m
- Sinas E - 9,2 km -
h. 1700 m
- Tranquillitatis, Mare - Sea of Tranquillity - area 421.000 sq km
- Wallach - 6 km
h - h. 1140 m
