REFRACTORLAND "Hypertextual Moon Atlas" based on A. Rükl "Atlas of the Moon" |
The eastern limb of the Moon, with a group of small lunar maria: Marginis, Smythii, Spumans, and Undarum. This region appeared in its true form for the first time on the historic photograph taken by Luna 3. The landing sites of the probes Luna 15, 18, 20, and 24 are shown on the map.
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Age of Moon: d. 2
Section 38
- Agarum, Promontorium
- Ameghino - 9 km
- Apollonius - 53 km
- h. 1700 m
- Auzout - 33 km
- Back - 35 km
- Banachiewicz -
92 km
- Boethius - 10 km
- Bombelli - 10 km
- Cartan - 16 km
- Condon - 35 km
- Condorcet - 74 km
- Crisium, Mare - Sea of Crises -
area 176.000 sq km
- Daly - 17 km
- Dubiago - 51 km
- Fahrenheit - 6 km
- h. 980 m
- Firmicus - 56 km -
h. 1700 m
- Hansen - 40 km
- Harker, Dorsa - length 200 km
- Jansky - 73 km
- Jenkins - 38 km
- Know-Shaw - 12 km
- Krogh - 20 km
- Liouville - 16 km
- Marginis, Mare - Sea of the Edge -
area 62.000 sq km
- Neper - 137 km
- Nobili - 42 km
- Peek - 13 km
- Perseverantiae, Lacus - Lake of Perseverance
- Petit - 5 km
- Pomortsev - 23 km
- Respighi - 19 km
- Sabatier - 10 km
- Schubert - 54 km
- Shapley - 23 km
- Smythii, Mare - Sea of W. H. Smyth -
area 104.000 sq km
- Spumans, Mare - Foaming Sea -
area 16.000 sq km
- Stewart - 13 km
- Successus, Sinus - Bay of Success
- Tacchini - 40 km
- Termier, Dorsum -
length 90 km
- Theiler - 8 km
- Townley - 19 km
- Undarum, Mare - Sea of Waves -
area 21.000 sq km
- Usov, Mons - 15 km
- Van Albada - 22 km
- Virchow - 17 km
- Wildt - 11 km
