REFRACTORLAND "Hypertextual Moon Atlas" based on A. Rükl "Atlas of the Moon" |
The vast area of Mare Fecunditatis, which is crossed by numerous mare ridges, is dominated by the well-known pair of craters Messier and Messier A, the latter of which is the source of two bright rays radiating to the west. In oblique illumination, "ghost craters" can be seen on the mare surface and a system of rilles around the crater Gutenberg.
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Age of Moon: d. 4
Section 48
- Al-Marrakushi - 8 km
- h. 1110 m
- Amontons - 3 km
- Bellot - 17 km -
h. 2230 m
- Crozier - 22 km -
h. 1300 m
- Fecunditatis, Mare - Sea of Fertility - area 326.000 sq km
- Geikie, Dorsa -
length 240 km
- Goclenius - 54×72 km
- h. 1500 m
- Goclenius, Rimae - length 240 km
- Gutemberg - 74 km
- h. 2280 m
- Gutember A - 15 km
- Ibn Battuta - 12 km
- Lindbergh - 13 km
- Lubbock - 14,5 km
- h. 580 m
- Magelhaens - 41 km
- h. 1960 m
- Mawson, Dorsa -
length 180 km
- Messier - 9×11 km
- Messier A - 13×11 km
- Messier, Rima -
length 100 km
- Pyrenaeus, Montes - length 250 km
- h. 3000 m
