REFRACTORLAND "Hypertextual Moon Atlas" based on A. Rükl "Atlas of the Moon" |
A very interesting landscape with a great variety of lunar formations. The rilles in the crater Bürg and on the floor of the crater Posidonius, as well as the rilles Rimae Daniell, all demand attention. Dark areas include the lakes Lacus Mortis, Lacus Somniorum, and the northeastern edge of Mare Serenitatis.
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Age of Moon: d. 4 - 5
Section 14
- Bürg - 40 km - h.
2,2 km
- Bürg, Rimae - length 100 km
- Chacornac - 51 km
- h.1450 m
- Chacornac, Rimae - length 120 km
- Daniell - ovale 30×23 km
- h. 2070 m
- Daniell, Rimae - length 200 km
- Grove - 28 km - h.
2370 m
- Hercules - 69 km -
h. 3200 m
- Luther - 9,5 km -
h. 1900 m
- Mason - ovale
33×43 km
- Mortis, Lacus - Lake of Death -
area 21.000 sq km
- Plana - 44 km
- Posidonius - 95 km
- Posidonius, Rimae
- Serenitatis, Mare - Sea of Serenity - area 303.000 sq km
- Somniorum, Lacus - Lake of Dreams -
area 70.000 sq km
- Williams - 36 km
