REFRACTORLAND "Hypertextual Moon Atlas" based on A. Rükl "Atlas of the Moon" |
The eastern part of Mare Serenitatis is intersected in many places by mare ridges, the largest of which approximately follows the line of the meridian 25şE and has a serpentine shape (formerly called Serpentine Ridge). The edge of Mare Serenitatis has a dark border and a series of shallow rilles. The summit of Posidonius Gamma (old name) has a crater 2 km in diameter.
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Age of Moon: d. 5
Section 24
- Abetti - 7 km
- Al-Bakri - 12 km -
h. 1000 m
- Aldrovandi, Dorsa - length 120 km
- Archerusia, Promontorium - h.
1500 m
- Argaeus, Mons - length 50 km
- h. 2500 m
- Auwers - 20 km -
h. 1630 m
- Azara, Dorsum - length 110 km
- Bessel - 16 km -
h. 1740 m
- Borel - 5 km - h.
950 m
- Brackett - 9 km
- Dawes - 18 km - h.
2300 m
- Deseilligny -
6,6 km - h. 1190 m
- Finsch - 4 km
- Lister, Dorsa - length 290 km
- Littrow, Catena - length 10 km
- Menelaus, Rimae - length 140 km
- Nicol, Dorsum - length 50 km
- Plinius - 43 km -
h. 2300 m
- Plinius, Rimae -
length. 120 km
- Sarabhai - 7,6 km
- Serenitatis, Mare -
303.000 sq km
- Smirnov, Dorsa - length 130 km
- Tacquet - 6,9 km -
h. 1300 m
- Very - 5,1 km - h.
950 m
