REFRACTORLAND "Hypertextual Moon Atlas" based on A. Rükl "Atlas of the Moon" |
The western limb of the Moon, on which part of the remarkable Orientale basin is situated. The observer's attention will be attracted by the wide Rima Sirsalis, which continues on map 39.
North |

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Age of Moon: d. 13 - 14
Section 50
- Aestatis, Lacus - Summer Lake -
area 1.000 sq km
- Autumni, Lacus - Autumn Lake -
area 3.000 sq km
- Byrgius - 87 km
- Cordillera, Montes - length 1.500
- Crüger - 46 km -
h. 490 m
- Darwin - 130 km
- Darwin, Rimae - length 280 km
- Eichstadt - 49 km
- Kopff - 42 km
- Krasnov - 41 km
- Lamarck - 115 km
- Nicholson - 38 km
- Orientale, Mare - Eastern Sea -
300 km
- Pettit - 35 km
- Rook, Montes - length 900 km
- h. 6000 m
- Sirsalis, Rima
- Veris, Lacus - Lake of Spring -
area 12.000 sq km
