REFRACTORLAND "Hypertextual Moon Atlas" based on A. Rükl "Atlas of the Moon" |
The western limb of the Moon, the southwestern border of Oceanus Procellarum. The northeastern edge of the Orientale basin. A small lunar basin Grimaldi.
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Age of Moon: d. 12 - 13
Section 39
- Aestatis, Lacus - Summer Lake -
area 1.000 sq km
- Autumni, Lacus - Autumn Lake -
area 3.000 sq km
- Cordillera, Montes - length 1.500
km - h. 6000 m
- Damoiseau - 37 km
- h. 1200 m
- Grimaldi - 220 km
- Grimaldi, Rimae -
length 230 km
- Hartwig - 80 km
- Hermann - 15,5 km
- h. 1360 m
- Lallemand - 18 km
- Lohrmann - 31 km
- Procellarum, Oceanus - Ocean of Storms - area 2.102.000 sq km
- Riccioli - 146 km
- Riccioli, Rimae -
length 390 km
- Rocca - 90 km
- Schlüter - 89 km
- Sirsalis - 42 km
- Sirsalis, Rimae
- Veris, Lacus - Lake of Spring -
area 12.000 sq km
