REFRACTORLAND "Hypertextual Moon Atlas" based on A. Rükl "Atlas of the Moon" |
The Humorum basin and a magnificent crater Gassendi, which resembles a diamond ring, are among the most prominent features of the southwestern quadrant of the near side of the Moon. The system of concentric mare ridges in Mare Humorum and the neighboring rilles Rimae Hippalus are attractive objects for telescopic observation.
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Age of Moon: d. 10
Section 52
- Agatharchides -
49 km
- Doppelmayer - 64 km
- Doppelmayer, Rimae - length 130
- Gassendi - 110 km
- Gassendi A - 33 km
- h. 3600 m
- Gassendi, Rimae
- Hippalus - 58 km -
h. 1230 m
- Hippalus, Rimae - length 240 km
- Humorum, Mare - Sea of Moisture -
area 113.000 sq km
- Kelvin, Promontorium
- Kelvin, Rupes - length 150 km
- Loewy - 22×26 km
- h. 1090 m
- Puiseux - 25 km -
h. 400 m
