REFRACTORLAND "Hypertextual Moon Atlas" based on A. Rükl "Atlas of the Moon" |
The western part of Mare Nubium with the prominent Bullialdus, which is one of the most attractive lunar craters. Other interesting objects include an elevated "causeway" across the valley Bullialdus W close to the crater Agatharchides O, a typical lunar dome Kies Pi, and the prominent rilles Rimae Hippalus and Rima Hesiodus.
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Age of Moon: d. 9
Section 53
- Agatharchides, Rima - length 50
- Bullialdus - 61 km
- h. 3510 m
- Campanus - 48 km -
h. 2080 m
- Darney - 15 km -
h. 2620 m
- Epidemiarum, Palus - Marsh of Epidemics - area 27.000 sq km
- Gould - 34 km
- Hippalus - 58 km -
h. 1230 m
- Hippalus, Rimae -
length 240 km
- Kies - 44 km - h.
380 m
- Kies E - 6,5 km -
h. 1120 m
- König - 23 km -
h. 2440 m
- Lubiniezky - 44 km
- h. 770 m
- Mercator - 47 km -
h. 1760 m
- Mercator, Rupes -
length 180 km
- Nubium, Mare - Sea of Clouds -
area 254.000 sq km
- Opelt - 49 km
- Opelt E - 8 km -
h. 1370 m
